Ahhhh Reims.... oh my, where oh where to begin. I am going to deviate from my usual food blogs to focus on this little French city and my move for now. Reims is a quant somewhat charming city with a stunning, massive, ancient cathedral in the center which I have a little view of from my bar and 3 giants sky lights. Starts out good enough, right?... Yet, this little gem is pretty quant and doesn't have a lot going on. There also is construction EVERYWHERE b/c they are building a tram. Arriving here I went through the frustrating process of finding a furnished apartment and I then struggled with solving problems such as a half pit bull/rottweiler/lab dog in my building who met me at the door, fangs out, ready to pounce each day I came home (the first time with 7 bags of groceries in hand), no hot water, leaking shower,

no internet, no tv, and no heat all in a language I studied for only 3 months. I also just might have wrote a letter to my landlord in french about the leaking pipes and not have known that the word "pipe" in french (despite the fact that my french dictionary says otherwise) means blowjob. Yes, I wrote an entire lengthy email about the frustration I was having with pipes... Wow. Amazing... Maybe I'll post that one later. I'm pretty sure that after this experience I could make it through a war or maybe live in a little bunker somewhere... Well no, let's be honest, I would never do well living in a bunker. Regardless, despite the fact that I might have shed enough tears to fill a little petite pond and developed a new fear of dogs with fangs, I'm glad I somehow pushed through the last few frustrating weeks and came out alive, breathing, and well enough to practice my french with my landlord and her 6 year old daughter each day (and be greeted by the 6 year old with a kiss every morning and night) and well enough to buy a baguette and little cube of amazing french cheese everyday :)
Due to the fact that I did not have internet at home for the first month or so I wrote this entry while at my home away from home, McDonald's. God, I never thought I would say that. So, essentially with each stroke my finger made on this keyboard I was constantly enhalling the entoxicating smell of french fries. Ahh...It was a real test of my self control. I mean 8 am and the smell of French fries is just kind of wrong. Somehow, who knows how, I resisted walking downstairs and buying a little box of fries. I could write a entire food blog on the differences between the US Mcdonald's and the French Mcdonalds but I don't think I can bring myself to stand in line, analyze the menu and take pictures of the food.

I'm not going to lie though it actually does look more appetizing than in the US . It's amazing to me that it is basically a little undercover computer lab on the 2nd floor up here. Nope, no Mcnuggets, burgers or malts on the 2nd floor of McDonalds in Reims just computers, earphones and a bunch of people scanning the room every so often hoping they don't get caught for not buying a single Mcdonalds product and just simply using it as a Skype haven! Pretty funny. I wish you could see it. Maybe I can sneak a picture of all of them..
Anyway, the city of Reims is in the Champagne Region of France and there are 11 houses in the center and hundreds in the km around the city. Veuve Clicqot, Don Perinon, Pommery, Launois Pere and Fils, Gonet Sulcova are all very close. It's fall here and all the leaves are changing and the champagne vineyards are all red. It's breathtaking.. I'm pretty sure that I could go on a drive along the Champagne road and stop into little cute Champagne house after champagne house and then stumble home tipsy with a few bottles in hand every single weekend. And so far, other than my 2 weekends I've spent in Paris, that is exactly what I have done! Ahhh I'm developing a drinking problem. Will I go into Champagne detox if I don't drink it for a day? I have yet to see.
Reims is 45 mins from Paris so it's not too far from big city life...Historically it's the place where the Kings of France were crowned and the Cathedral served the same purpose as Westminster Abbey in England. That's all for now. Hope you found some comedy in my life the last month and cross your fingers that my luck improves here with my apartment!!
Codnt read the entire stuff coz its too lengthy :) but looks lood...keep up the work